Well - what a lot has been going on - but not much crafting I'm afraid! I REALLY MUST TRY HARDER. But I HAVE A PLAN. More of that another time.
Oh dear you can tell I haven't blogged in a while I appear to have developed typing dyslexia - thank goodness for spell checker because you wont know that I made FOUR typos in the last sentence!
Now where was I? Oh yes ... on holiday. We went en famile (that's The Moonshine Mob, my Ma and Pa, Big Sis and her Other Half) to a village near Liege in Belgium. Belgium? I hear you wonder, what on earth is there in Belgium? Well you sceptics I've got to tell you there is LOADS. What a fabulous, beautiful, clean, interesting, totally splendid country. And YES I would go back again like a shot! In fact Mr M and I quite fancy retiring there - we've seen a rather lovely chateau we quite fancy...
We stayed in a beautiful gite, a lovely barn conversion with 4 bedrooms, sitting room, big kitchen with v. large table, mezzanine play area for the kids - made good use of by Moonshine Minor who rediscovered his love of Brio, games room with full size table tennis AND a HUGE garden with CHICKENS!
And of course, where you find chickens you also find...
On the down side though - where you find chickens you will also find a cockerel. This one a very rare, but VERY LOUD and VERY EARLY RISING Klingon cockerel. (Poor Mr M, it woke him every morning at 4:05 - and if it wasn't the Klingon it was the cows, or the donkey, or the sheep, or the combine harvesters and we wont even mention the mozzies) I had the benefit of earplugs - (Mr M snores - A LOT) which kept out most of the agricultural soundtrack but sadly let through much of the snoring - work that one out!
Klingon cockerel
See what I mean? They could be cousins!
As I said before the area we were staying was beautiful, fabulous scenery, gorgeous picturesque villages, chateaux by the bucketful and loads of places to go and things to see, although I've got to admit Mr M. and I were terribly lazy and didn't wander too far afield, preferring to kick back and relax at the gite and enjoy good books, fab weather and plenty of extreme ping-pong. (This entails using surrounding walls, floor, furniture etc to keep the rallies going at any cost!) Anyway we're going to go back again in 2010 so perhaps we'll be better at being tourists then...
I have great plans to put together a minibook and a couple of 12x12 pages to preserve the memories so I'll keep you posted and share some more pics then.