In the mean time Crafty Club has been continuing, now on Friday afternoons and in a new location (thank heavens!) the old place was dark, cold and miserable, but burst pipes over the holidays have made the rooms unusable and we are now permanently installed in a Community Centre with light, warmth and A CAR PARK!!!!! (no more driving round and round trying to find that last elusive on street parking place and praying that the Parking Nazis don't put in an appearance!)
Our teacher had promised a term of learning stamping techniques which I was really looking forward to, but along with the change of venue we are now funded by a different department who will only fund "tangible projects" so this term's "project" is a calendar.
I'm afraid I've been a bit low on inspiration this term and with only four weeks left I've only managed to complete pages for January, February and March. I had planned on using a different technique on each page but now I'm not so sure.
Anyway here are my efforts so far...

A close up of the embellishment...

As you can see I've used a paper patchwork effect for January, choosing co-ordinating papers from the Dovecraft Christmas Blues collection. I had some 2x12 papers sitting in my stash and inspired by the dark snowy days we had this January thought that the cold dark colours matched the miserable weather perfectly. A few snowflake brads and a touch of pink to lighten the mood - perfect! Although the fringing took FOREVER I really like the effect, especially when put together with the doodled "stitches".

Sorry, predictable heart motifs for February. and a touch of very simple teabag folding (I told you I was lacking in inspiration!) The teabag papers were some I've had in my stash forever and want to get rid of (shiny paper - nasty) and really don't go with the lovely background paper, but I was so low on inspiration and general enthusiasm for the project that I didn't really care. (I know - SHAME ON ME!)

March - A REVELATION. I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoyed this one. I've always looked at quilling and thought Nah - can't be bothered, too fiddly - now I'm HOOKED - and yes it is too fiddly (for me - not brilliant at doing things requiring great dexterity. (I can do it, but it takes me ages and is a struggle - AND I find I'm pulling RIDICULOUS faces too (OK at home V. EMBARRASSING at Crafty Club!!!)) The observant amongst you will have spotted that the flowers on my border are yellow roses - not botanically accurate for March but I wanted something small and compact and I'm really pleased with the end result, simple, clean and with a promise of spring.
I have NO IDEA what I'm going to do for the remaining nine months and I'm pretty sure that quilling will make at least one more appearance, but you can bet they wont all get done in the next four weeks. I'll keep you updated!