Anybody there?
Remember me? Li'l Ole Maisie (MM)?
Yep I know it's been a while (eek) but I'm back. (After some "oh help I've forgotten my password" aggravation!
I'm not going to bore you with the whys and wherefores of my long absence but I will show you my Wednesday morning desk...
Nothing much has changed, once I'd beaten the dust bunnies in to submission anyway! Still the same old set-up in front of the camera, behind and to the right it's a bit more umm, shall we say, congested, and leave it at that?
On my desk you can see my current pet project, my Bullet Journals (BuJos) (one for business and one for personal stuff). I won't say much about them here but I'm sure I'll be posting about them in the future. On the far right you can see my collage art journal, which is about the only creative thing I have dabbled with since I was last blogging regularly. Behind it is a stack of magazine clippings to be used in my collage journal. They are waiting to be filed away. More on my collage journal in another post, perhaps.
The plastic wallet with the red zip is my BuJo pack - it contains the stamps and pens I use regularly in my journals, so I don't have to keep trawling through my stash to find them.
This is a shot of one of my January Daily pages, notice WOYWW is there as a task for today!
That's all for now, I'm looking forward to catching up with you all again.
Much love