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Just a quickie today as Mum and Dad are visiting.
Not much change from last time, except that I have finally started work in my Enchanted Forest colouring book, which No. 1 Son gave me for Christmas.
In the front right you can see my colour swatch book where I've listed all my coloured pencils, still a few gaps to be filled in, but Mother's Day is rapidly approaching, I shall drop some not very subtle hints! The pages you can see are for my Faber-Castell Polychromos, but the coloured pencil aficionados amongst you will recognise that the pencils on the desk are Derwent Academy - I'm having to mix and match brands to get as many foliage colours as I can.
Here's a close up of my first attempt. I'm aiming for on the cusp of late summer and early autumn, when the foliage is just beginning to turn...
I've also been stepping right outside my comfort zone and trying to improve my doodling and hand lettering skills...
Still a ways to go, but I'm pleased with my progress so far.
Must dash, I'll catch up with you later. Have a happy WOYWW!