Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Enchanted Forest Colouring and WOYWW #349

Good morning fellow Deskers!

Not a Desker? You're missing out - pop over to Julia's blog at The Stamping Ground and get involved.

Just a quickie today as Mum and Dad are visiting.

Not much change from last time, except that I have finally started work in my Enchanted Forest colouring book, which No. 1 Son gave me for Christmas.

In the front right you can see my colour swatch book where I've listed all my coloured pencils, still a few gaps to be filled in, but Mother's Day is rapidly approaching, I shall drop some not very subtle hints! The pages you can see are for my Faber-Castell Polychromos, but the coloured pencil aficionados amongst you will recognise that  the pencils on the desk are Derwent Academy - I'm having to mix and match brands to get as many foliage colours as I can.

Here's a close up of my first attempt. I'm aiming for on the cusp of late summer and early autumn, when the foliage is just beginning to turn...

I've also been stepping right outside my comfort zone and trying to improve my doodling and hand lettering skills...

Still a ways to go, but I'm pleased with my progress so far.

Must dash, I'll catch up with you later. Have a happy WOYWW!



  1. A ways to go? NO! Your doodling skills are impressive - it looks like it has been printed or specially stamped. My daughter has the same colouring book - a christmas gift - and she loves it :)
    Have a wonderful Wednesday
    Bubbles #33

  2. Hey Maisie, long time no see :) I love your doodling - I wish I were as good as you! I have a book Doodle a day, every day you have to doodle something, and the book tells you what the theme is each day. Great colouring so far, I like the look of that book. Cx #46

  3. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your mum and dad.

    I love your doodling. Sometimes it's good to do something outside your comfort zone.

    Happy Wednesday
    Sharon K #44

  4. If you are only just starting with your Lettering I'm very jealous you are great
    Lynn 12 :-)

  5. I so need to work on my doodling and lettering! But I just love your fantasty forest coloring book--I've been trying to decide what kind of coloring book to get myself. thanks for the visit! Sandy Leigh #54

  6. Hope you had a nice visit with the folks. Enjoy your doodling and coloring. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #42

  7. Your doodling is brilliant, where are you getting inspiration from please, I really need to practice.
    Dawn #16

  8. Ah, only a true junkie would colour in with an aim...I would just colour in! I think you've picked a really hard time of year to depict, you're doing brilliantly!

  9. Coloring is such a 'zen-thing' to do isn't it!?! I have an 'adult coloring book' myself and I love it! Your handlettering looks great and it's good for another 'zen-moment' (or don't you experience that flow when you are drawing letters?) Enjoy your weekend. Love from Holland (all quiet today, yay!) Marit #37

  10. Your drawings are beautiful!
    Very well done.

    Have a nice weekend!
    Sussie nr 8 WOYWW

  11. Hi Maisie! I have missed you and your posts. It is funny but I checked back just about the time you started posting again even though I didn't receive an email - like it was meant to be. :) I had let my blog sit for so long but I am going to try and keep it current with just the daily things I am creating. No pressure to produce something amazing - just sharing. Hope you will stop and say 'hi'. So glad you are coloring and practicing your lettering. Hope all is well with you and yours. Love and hugs, Cathy

  12. <a href="


Thanks for sharing your happy thoughts. Maisie Moonshine x

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