(Hybrid scrapping is effectively scrapping with paper in the traditional fashion but printing off digital elements, such as journaling blocks, patterned paper, embellishments, lettering etc, downloaded to your PC as digital scrapbooking kits from the interweb, then cutting them out and incorporating them in to your paper layout, even typing up and printing out your journaling or titles is a basic form of hybrid scrapping)
I've been playing around in Photoshop Elements for ages trying to get to the bottom of digital scrapping but I'm completely useless at it. None of my layers do what I want them to do and at the moment I haven't got the patience (or time) to sit down and really get my head round it. But... I wanted to make a cover sheet for a plastic display book in which I keep copies of the scrapbooking sketches I've collected. I wanted it to be - well - decorative and "scrappy" but it had to be 2D to fit in the plastic wallet (and the bookcase) so digital scrapping seemed a good option, and here it is...
The kit I used was Amy Teets "Sun Porch" a digital freebie from the brilliant Shabby Princess but I admit I cheated and created this by the power of text boxes in Microsoft Word! It only took an hour or so to do and I'm really pleased with the result.
The other thing I've been tinkering with this week is handmade blooms. Thanks to Sue at Paper Paradise and Tracey at Running with Scissors I can now make gorgeous cabbage roses. I say gorgeous, Sue & Tracey's are gorgeous - mine is kind of Happy Shopper, but it was only a dry run to get the hang of the technique before committing any decent paper to the project. Here's mine, but do click on the links above to see what they should look like!
I've also had a go at making fabric yo-yos. Moonshine Minor was so intrigued that he asked if he could have a go at making one. This is him mid sew...

and here are our first ever fabric yo-yos, made using some of the fabric scraps I picked up at the weekend for 50p and topped off with buttons "from stash".

I'm going to have a go at making a felt car embellishment tomorrow (maybe) I'll let you know how I get on.
And now for something completely different...
Zero and Eight walking down the street. Zero says to Eight, "What's with the belt?"